Rehabilitation exercises

Managing pain in Arthritis

Arthritis is a degenerative disease that happens when the tissues that cushion the ends of the bones within the joints break down. These changes usually develop slowly and worsen gradually, causing pain, stiffness, and swelling. limiting the activities people normally do in their everyday lives. It is very common among adults aged 65 and older. […]

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Plantar Fasciitis: Understanding and Treatment

What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition characterized by inflammationof the plantar fascia, a vital connective tissue that runs along the sole of the foot from the heel tothe toes. It can cause severe pain and discomfort, especially during the first steps in the morning orafter prolonged periods of rest Who

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How Osteopathy Helps for Hamstring Injuries

Hamstring injuries are common in football, and osteopathic manual treatment can play a role in both managing and preventing these injuries. Here’s how: Assessment: Osteopathic physicians assess the player’s musculoskeletal system to identify any weaknesses, imbalances, or restrictions in the hamstring muscles, as well as surrounding structures like the lower back and pelvis. Manual Therapy:

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Isabel Kelly - Osteopath and Clinical Pilates Instructor

Excited to Announce Our New Osteopath Isabel Kelly

Isabel is an osteopath and clinical pilates therapist originally from Yorkshire. She understands the importance of feeling pain-free and healthy through her own previous experience of injury and enjoys helping a variety of people such as athletes, desk-based individuals, and the older population too. She decides what is best for you through holistic assessment and

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