
How to Keep My Fitness Routine in Winter

Fitness Routine

In winter, you might want to readjust your fitness routine.

  • Longer warm-ups, slower cool downs.
  • You don’t want your muscles going into shock.
  • Bath with magnesium or Epsom bath salts to alleviate inflammation and achy muscles, calm your body and fight off symptoms of cold and the onset of flu. Use 2-3 scoops and stay in the bath for 20 mins to get the full effects.



What to Wear

Don’t let winter freeze your outdoor workouts. Keep warm if training outside. Layer up! Prevent that wind chill by starting your workout with at least 2 to 3 layers. You may need to start your workout slightly cold so that you don’t overheat. The purpose of the layers is to trap heat and keep moisture away from your body. For more on what to wear see our blog on

What to Wear in Winter Wear


What to Eat

For a hearty winter diet to get you through the coldest months of the year, here are some of MG’s suggestions.

Avoiding Common Colds etc.

S.A.D. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a common cause of feeling the winter blues. To avoid it, get out on that winter run, pick up all the Vitamin D you can get from those short days. Invest in some gear so you can still train and stay comfortable on cold dark winter nights. Work out with friends so you feel less isolated.

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