WHY Intermittent Fasting?
- It cleanses your system and removes toxins by burning from stock what you’ve got
- It improves liver and kidney function (Make them relax by not over work it)
- It re-energises you. Body actually (finally have time to burn it)
- It improves your immunity
- It cuts out all those bad habits you’ve picked up!
WHY NOT Intermittent Fasting?
- It’s not suitable for teens, pregnant women or those with health conditions such as Diabetics, heart diseases (Check with your Doctor)
- A sudden change in diet and an increase in fibre-heavy fruit can cause bloating, gas and diarrhea
- You’re more likely to break the rules when your short detox ends!
Regarding my last point, well, it’s best not to go too extreme in your intermittent fasting as then it’s harder to give things you enjoy and harder not to break it. Try a different approach e.g. keep something you love in your diet – for me it would definitely have to be a morning coffee but I could cut out the foamy milk and make it black. Alternatively, have a day or two off from your detox where you can relax it a bit and break the rules e.g. the weekend. Only rule here is healthy snacking, space up (6-16 hr between your meal). Plenty of water and move as much as possible. Do not eat over because you did personal training or did not eat for 8 hours.
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU DETOX/ intermittent fasting
Yeah, yeah…we know what we SHOULDN’T eat or drink bla bla bla – sugars, fats, alcoholic drinks etc. but what SHOULD we eat, drink?
- Drink some water or freshly squeezed lemon juice to hydrate yourself when you first get up. Keep replenished throughout the day. (Fresh Herb teas like Mint, Oregano, turmeric, ginger) that will increase your healing properties, and help quick recovery from injuries and prevent injuries too.
- Drink green tea – the healthiest beverage on the planet! It helps the brain function and burns fat.
- Bring some anti-oxidants into your diet (Pomegranate, Blueberry, cranberry, strawberry, acai berry, dates, prunes) great for smoothies.

- Include two portions of fish or meat to get your protein kick. (If you’re veggie or vegan, pick a protein alternative like tofu, lentils or beans) Just make sure you cook it in a healthy way e.g. steamed, grilled or baked.
- Eat more raw fruit, herbs and veg.
- Make a vegetable drink. (Like mix your veggies with berries. It’s a great mix)
- Take a probiotic, Omega oil, B complex (You do not wanna leave anything in chance really)
- Finally, work on that exercise plan! Brisk walk, get some fresh air, and don’t give up any of those regular mg personal training sessions and booking at least once a month Osteopathy for a general MOT check if you do not have any complaints. Always best to see an Osteopath prevent injuries rather than recovery. Sports injury recovery always takes time.
Everyone different so we advise you that be comfortable with what ever you do, Do not stress your mind and body so much always right balance is the key for satisfaction. If you’re new to intermittent fasting why not try one or two days a week space up the time between meal.
Normally if you eat your Dinner by 8pm then try to sleep by 10pm then stay without food until 10am next day. You can drink Coffee or tea (fresh herb tea recommended). Then you could have some Fresh berries and few almonds (4 hours later then you have your Dinner.
Improve your eating by going less, fresh and organic possible (cut the glute, carbs focus, complex carbs, lots of colorful veggies) Instead of going all out, starting small and seeing the health benefits may incite you into building it into your everyday life continually.
What are you waiting for? Go for it! Good Luck.