Personal Training

Does Osteopathy Help for Ankle, and Foot Injuries?

Mr U is 37 years old, presented Left(L) lateral ankle and anterior(front) knee pain. His previous history includes L distal fibular fracture ten years ago while playing a five side football match. He stayed in a cast for a month without osteopathy or other rehabilitation interventions. 

Fitness/Health: Generally Mr U has good health with no systemic health issues. He exercises 3/4 days a week taking part in Boxing but no sparring although he is able to skip.

Details: The L Fibula is pinned and stabilized to lateral malleolus. Patient(PT) unsure about any ruptured muscle or other tissue damage at the time. Mr. U had Xray month ago and Doc told everything normal and if he wish then they can take the pins out. (PT not sure yet). The pain started two weeks ago after heavy boxing session and the cold can make it worse, massage relieve the pain. Mr U is also very tense on the L side, he has previously watched his surgery and is protective oth the side as concerned about potential weakness leading to injury.

Examination finding: 

LSp (Lumbar spine): Flexion limited (Hamstring under tension). LSp (Lumbar spine): Flexion limited (Hamstring under tension)

Knee: L Hyper extended – Patellar tracking – Clicks – medially rotated.


  • Tender to palpate mainly Achilles Tendon (Distal) slightly swelled, Anterior Talofibular ligament (strained)
  • Decrease Range of movement(ROM) L comparing R.  
  • Talor, Subtalor, Midfoot limited ROM 

Diagnosis(DX): Anterior talofibular ligament sprain. Mr U predisposed by Phx operation. The patient protects the L leg causing tightness on focal and global body parts. 

How Does Osteopathy Help Ankle injuries? 

The Osteopathic treatment plan and management is explained to the patient, undetrstanding rationels will improve confidence and provide the right rahabilitation exercises to improve tissue health.  

Aim: Improving ROM, decreasing swelling and calming periphereal nervous systems by Osteopathic hands-on manual treatment.

What is the recovery time: 

Everyone is different, in many cases between 3 and 12 weeks recovery is possible. Recovery is also dependent on age, smoking, alcohol, tissue health, how the patient looks after their injury and manages their rehabilitation. No one can cure or heal with one-off osteopathic treatment however the 1st consultation and treatment typically focuses on finding, building patient confidence, trust to osteopath, improving pain level and functionality. Osteopaths would like to educate patients, on how to prevent further injuries, return to optimum health.

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