chronic pain


Thorocic Outlet Syndrome ( TOS ) – MG Osteopathy

What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome? Thoracic Outlet Syndrome occurs when nerves or blood vessels are compressed between the collarbone and the first rib, leading to pain, numbness, and weakness in the shoulder, arm, and hand. Risk factors for developing Thoracic Outlet Syndrome The following can contribute to the development or persistence of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: […]

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Osteopathy for Runner’s Knee: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is Runner’s Knee? Runner’s Knee, also known as Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), is a common cause of knee pain in runners and active individuals. It occurs when the kneecap (patella) is not tracking properly over the femur (thigh bone), leading to irritation and discomfort. Symptoms include pain around or behind the kneecap, especially when running, squatting, or climbing

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Osteopathy for Lisfranc Injury Recovery: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

At MG Osteopathy, we’re committed to helping you move, feel, and live better. A Lisfranc injury—damage to the joint complex in the midfoot—can significantly affect your ability to move. If you’ve suffered a Lisfranc injury, understanding its anatomy, causes, symptoms, and recovery process is key to getting back on your feet. What is a Lisfranc

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Pregnancy-Induced Pelvic Girdle Pain – How MG Osteopathy Can Help

Pregnancy brings many changes to your body, and one common challenge for many women is pelvic pain or pelvic girdle pain (PGP). What is Pregnancy-Induced Pelvic Girdle Pain? PGP refers to pain in the pelvic area, usually around the joints connecting the spine and hips. It can develop due to changes in your body during

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Treating Groin Strains: Expert Care at MG Osteopathy

Adductor strains, often called “groin strains,” involve overstretching or tearing of the adductor muscles along the inner thigh. These muscles are crucial for stabilising the pelvis, supporting leg movement toward the body, and providing balance during activities. Adductor strains frequently affect athletes in sports like soccer, hockey, and tennis that require sudden directional changes, but

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Migraines: Symptoms, Triggers, Causes, and Osteopathy Relief

Migraines affect millions of people worldwide, often causing debilitating pain and disrupting daily life. Understanding migraines involves recognising their presentation, identifying triggers, exploring potential causes, and discovering effective interventions, including how MG Osteopathy can provide relief. What is a Migraine? A migraine is a type of headache characterised by recurrent, moderate to severe pain that

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Fibromyalgia Chronic pain management MG Osteopathy

Fibromyalgia (FMS), Chronic pain management | Osteopathy Intervention

Fibromyalgia (FMS) is a chronic pain disorder that causes widespread pain and fatigue in the muscles, joints, and soft tissues. People with fibromyalgia often experience heightened sensitivity to pain and touch, making everyday activities difficult. Factors associated with the development of Fibromyalgia Signs and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia The symptoms of fibromyalgia vary from person to

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Topical Steroid Withdrawal: Signs, Symptoms & Recovery

Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) is a condition that can arise after prolonged use of steroid creams, commonly prescribed for skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. While these creams are effective in reducing inflammation in the short term, long-term use can lead to serious complications, including dependency on the medication and worsening symptoms when the

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Osteopathy for Rotator Cuff Injuries: Recognising Symptoms and Finding Effective Treatments

Rotator cuff injuries are a common cause of shoulder pain and limited mobility, frequently affecting athletes, manual labourers, and even office workers. These injuries, which can range from tendonitis and bursitis to partial or complete tears, often result from overuse, trauma, or age-related degeneration. If left untreated, rotator cuff injuries can lead to chronic pain

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What to expect at MG Osteopathy

Q&A | What to Expect from MG Osteopathy

What to expect from MG Osteopathy? Watch this video where Jula our Osteopath at MG will tell you what to expect from MG Osteopathy. Follow, like and subscribe to our Youtube channel for more. Points of discussion include: Follow our Instagram/Tiktok @osteopathmurat or subscribe to our youtube @MG Osteopathy & Sport’s Injury Clinic to learn

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