Pelvic pain in pregnancy was originally called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) but health professionals now call it Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) because it affects all the joints of the pelvis not just the one called the Symphysis Pubis.

Lower back or pelvic girdle pain is one of the most common conditions experienced by pregnant women. It is often abbreviated to PGP or SPD (pelvic girdle pain/ symphysis pubis dysfunction). You may feel pain in the lower back, pelvis or pubic bones (front of the pelvis) when you walk, turn in bed, or climb up stairs.

Osteopathy can help with musculoskeletal pain during pregnancy such as SPD and lower back pain, and from our experience, pregnant women tend to respond very well to hands-on treatment such as pregnancy massage, gentle osteopathic manipulation and stretching.

Symptoms of Pelvic Girdle Pain


  • pain deep in the pubic area and groin (between the vagina and anus)
  • the pain can be manageable or severe
  • it can be brought on by some types of activity, such as walking, climbing stairs and turning over in bed
  • you may also have pain across your lower back
  • you might have a grinding or clicking sensation in your pubic area
  • the pain can be made worse by parting your legs or by leaning on one leg.
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