Is it safe to get a massage while pregnant?
The answer is: Generally, yes. Massage therapy during pregnancy has been shown to provide many benefits, including a sense of wellness, improved relaxation, and better sleep. But certain techniques and trigger points in the body can cause contractions and premature labor, so seeking expertise is vital
What areas should not be massaged during pregnancy?
Experts stay safe by avoiding pressure points associated with the pelvis, wrists, hands, and ankles. Due to the risk of blood clots during pregnancy it is also important to avoid deep tissue massage in the legs
How many weeks pregnant do you have to be to get a massage?
Women can begin massage therapy at any point in their pregnancy – during the first, second, or third trimester. Many facilities will refuse to offer massage to a woman who is still in her first trimester because of the increased risk for miscarriage associated with the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.